Our Clients


As you prepare for decades of retirement living, we understand the questions and decisions you face. The emotional decisions may be the most prominent, and then your attention focuses on decisions such as income projections and your retirement plan distribution options. Which option is most beneficial to you in the context of your own personal financial plan? If you work for one of the major corporations in the area, to what extent should you leverage NUA (Net Unrealized Appreciation)? Looking further into the future, you will most likely revisit your life and long-term care insurance needs and how they work in coordination with your goals for estate and legacy planning. Comprehensive financial coordination is what we do, so you can spend your time enjoying retirement.

Private Business Owners

As a business owner, work/life balance is different from your employed counterparts. Commitment isn’t a nine-to-five proposition or working a few weekends. It’s something you live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

We take into account the interconnection between your business and personal finances to help you make the most of – and help you preserve – the money your company generates today. And when the time comes, you will use it to strategically fund your retirement future. We understand the decision to transition away from your business can be tumultuous, and the process is time-consuming. However, a necessary component of most private business owners’ financial plans is realizing the value of their life’s work. We are equipped to help you maneuver these decisions so you can spend more time with your family and managing your business.


Working Professionals

Accumulating your wealth and working towards financial independence can be a daunting task. How do you save for retirement while paying off student debt or a home mortgage? How do you fund your children’s college educations? How do you set aside money for aging parents? What sources of income will be available to you in retirement and how do you make up the shortfall? What about new cars, a travel budget, and healthcare costs?

A dynamic and structured financial plan is imperative to helping you identify where you currently stand, objectively where you want to go, and the steps necessary to help make your goals a reality. Comprehensive financial coordination is what we do, so you can enjoy work and your life with the comfort of knowing you have a plan.

Newly Independent Women

Through circumstances of life, facing newfound independence is often challenging. Handling your finances alone for the first time, navigating the re-titling process, and wondering how long your assets will last or how you will maintain your current lifestyle are just a few of the concerns that newly independent women face.

We’ve had the privilege of helping many women regain their confidence and control of their finances – and their futures. Some of these women had been working closely with us when their circumstances changed; other times we are introduced to a newly independent woman by a close friend and client. We look forward to enabling you to face your financial future with knowledge and resources, replacing feelings of uncertainty with those of confidence.